Welcome to my blog! I work in product with a love for data. I write about all the wild and wonderful things that appear in my brain regularly enough to encourage me to jot them down. I love finding patterns and extrapolating on them and I'm passionate about the power of education.
I started my professional career as an accountant, suffering through and finishing my CPA before leaving the corporate side of accounting. I then started teaching it, the challenge of taking a topic I find dry and making it interesting for large groups of young adults was challenging and phenomenal. As Ted Lasso puts it so eloquently…
Takin’ on a challenge is a lot like riding a horse. If you’re comfortable while you’re doin’ it, you’re probably doin’ it wrong
I also used to play semi-pro rugby and now I play semi-poor basketball and volleyball. When there’s a ball around, you’ll find me chasing it with the commitment of an over active puppy.
I currently work in a product analyst role in Singapore.
Oh and I helped create this data analyst 101 training program.